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How cats clean themselves

How cats clean themselves

Cat cleaner

when dealing with the issue of cats clean, since they, according to their varieties and ages, share multiple habits and behaviors, such as (licking, biting, luring prey). so the practice of cleaning cats for their bodies. is not just for the sake of grooming, but rather a process that works to strengthen relations among the cat community. 

when they arise, Cats help each other to clean their bodies. so the mother cat licks her children, to clean them and provides them with a feeling of comfort as well, and usually cats that live on the roof of one house, help each other in this matter. and the cleaning process is based mainly on the use of the tongue, hands and teeth.  

Dirt and falling hair, in addition to moistening her front ends with saliva, to be used as a brush for cleaning clothes. while her cutting teeth use it to remove stubborn dirt and stuck between strands of hair.

Information about cats 

Cats, are the second most common household pets in Britain after dogs. and domestic cats descend in their origin, from wild cats spanning long ages, and from a scientific point of view they are classified, from the feline family, and are similar, in their behavior,to their wild ancestors. Their classifications and thus differ in their sizes, shapes, and impressions. 

Among the facts related to cats are the following: 

  • The number of domestic cats in the world exceeds 500 million in the world.
  • Humans' relationship with cats was established 10,000 years ago.
  • Cats save their energy by sleeping between 13-14 hours a day.
  • The group of cats is called the Clouder, the male is called Tom, the female is called Molly or Princess, and the young cats are called Kittins.
  • The weight of the largest domestic cat reaches 21.2 kg.
  • Cats have sharp night vision up to 6 times the human visual ability.
  • Cats have two strong sense of hearing and tattooing.

Types of cats

 Here is a list of the most prominent types of cats:

  • Polydactyl.
  • Snowshoe.
  • Calico.
  • the British shorthair cat.
  • Siamese.
  • the Norwegian Forest Cat.
  • Persian cat.
  • Scottish cat. 
  • Tappy gray.

The best way to feed cats 

The cat needs clean food and drink, like any other living organism, so it is necessary to put an adequate amount, of food in the cat's bowl in the morning. but be careful not to put an excess amount than the cat needs, as he will continue to eat as long as the dish It is still full, and it is worth noting that the cat needs food according to its age and size, but often, it needs 200 calories a day, and it is possible to consult a veterinarian to find out the required amount of food.

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